Write Off
A write-off is an accounting action that reduces the value of an asset while simultaneously debiting a liabilities account. It is primarily used in its most literal sense by businesses seeking to account for unpaid loan obligations, unpaid receivables, or losses on stored inventory. Generally it can also be referred to broadly as something that helps to lower an annual tax bill.
Such class leading service not only help in improving cash flow but also gives a real time feedback from the ground up, the state of financial pertaining to specific geography or /and industry. This shall help in designing or changing the underwriting policies of our clients which need to improvised constantly keeping external environment in mind.

Challenges and Green Shoots.
Contrary to the poor reputation of many collection agencies who resort to overly aggressive tactics, provide incompetent services that not only hurts successful collection of the debt but would also impact client’s reputation. We at FBSL have over the years developed culture of maintain and / or strengthen the relationship between customer and their credit provider, while working to resolve the debt collection issue that exists between them. This unique approach has helped us to become one of the leading debt collection service provider in the region and we have been able to have a very long term relationship with many of the leading banking and finance organization.
Move Ahead with a Strategically Designed Plan!
Look it from the perspective of a seasoned player like DEBT Collection, credit collection services is not something all the time, because here a person or company has this license to act like a trigger-happy commando. It is a delicate job, which requires the precision of a diplomat sometimes because every client is a hard-earned client in today’s world. A commercial 3rd party debt collection agency is certainly different from a bill collection company, as many business owners perceive it. It is a process where one has to trade with diplomatic caution. An inexperienced collection agency may harm your business very convincingly and bring a bad name for you in the market. Here, at www.focusbsl.com, we formulate a strategy for every bad debt collection payer based on the previous history. Prior to implementing a plan of action, we employ certain metrics in order to categories bad debt in the category of genuine bad debt or deliberate bad debt. We understand that today’s bad debt creators are your hard-earned clients and they can bring in future business as well when the weather will be smooth.